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Template Song

Monday October 30th 2017

A Template Song is a special song file used as the initial document when Renoise is launched or when creating a new song.


Wednesday October 18th 2017

A brand new set of 15 photos from a recent bothying trip have been added to the Photography section of the site.

Pan & Zoom

Track Scopes & Spectrum

Wednesday September 27th 2017

The Track Scopes and Spectrum panel allows you to examine audio signals in real-time by providing two different visual representations of your song.


Wednesday June 28th 2017

Doofers enable the bundling of complex effect chains within a single device and provide easy access to the most useful parameters through macros. Automating a macro will change the values of all assigned parameters.

Sample Slicing

Wednesday June 7th 2017

By placing markers onto a sample it can be sliced up. Those slices can then be used as if they were individual samples themselves. This process is non-destructive because the original sample is left untouched.

Libraries & Presets

Tuesday May 2nd 2017

A Library acts as a container for other Presets, stored in the file format .xrnl, which is easily installed via drag and drop. Once installed, the Library’s contents will be available to use through the Preset menus.

Note-Off & NNA

Wednesday April 26th 2017

During a song’s playback, triggered notes can be cut short by the Note-Off command. For samples this can trigger any or all of these three things: End Loop, Note-Off Layer and Modulation Release.

Riftris v1.3

Tuesday April 25th 2017

I’ve got a Vive now, so I thought I’d update this project to support both it and the motion controllers. In addition, you can now rotate the sun and fly around in any direction.

– Project Files
– Win64 Game .exe

Learning & Attitude

Monday March 13th 2017

Talking about The Witness with other people has been tricky, since it’s hard to explain what’s great about it without spoiling… what’s great about it. I finally collected all of my spoiler-free thoughts and talking points to produce this video.

Effect Aliasing

Monday January 23rd 2017

It’s normally impossible to change a plugin effect’s preset/program or send it note data. Through the use of effect aliasing though, these things are possible.