The Plugin Grabber allows you to create sample-based instruments from any plugin. The plugin is rendered and the resulting samples are automatically used to build a Renoise instrument according to your settings.
Tuesday January 3rd 2017
A brand new set of 9 photos of Islay have been added to the Photography section of the site.
We take a look at using external, third-party plugins, which come in the file-types of VST, Audio Units, LADSPA and DSSI.
Track Types
Wednesday August 10th 2016
Looking at the Standard, Group, Send & Master track types, followed by the various options for organising them.
The Ochre Media
Tuesday June 28th 2016
So here’s my second audio-visual experiment, using a bunch of Red Giant plugins for After Effects. The Renoise song file contains a few newly crafted instruments.
Widescreen Reference Cards
Tuesday June 21st 2016
I created a 4K 16:9 widescreen version of the Effect Commands cheat sheet. As usual, there’s two types available; one for screen and one for print.
Effect Commands Part 9
Wednesday May 25th 2016
In this final part of the series, we take a look at the specifics of using the effect commands for Devices and MIDI.
Azure Razor
Wednesday May 18th 2016
A few years ago I had an idea to create songs in Renoise using only instruments constructed by myself. That way I would be free to release the original song files for others to download and mess around with. So I started doing that and the results were… pretty good, which was not good enough.
Then I became aware of what was coming for Renoise 3: a completely revamped and more powerful instrument system, especially for samples. This was further improved in version 3.1.
Now I’m creating a series of short audio-visual experiments to get up to speed before any ‘proper’ releases. The main goals are to construct a large collection of quality instruments and further hone the skills for animated visuals.
Effect Commands Part 8
Monday May 9th 2016
The six Global commands impact the playback of the entire song: Tempo, Lines Per Beat, Ticks Per Line, Toogle Groove, Break Pattern and Delay Pattern.
Effect Commands Part 7
Monday May 2nd 2016
Explanations and demonstrations of the three Panning and three ‘Other’ commands: Autopan, Track Panning & Width, Stop FX/Notes, Trigger Phrase and Track Routing.