Saturday, March 11th, 2023
Quantization shifts the placement of notes so that they snap to a certain timing. Renoise & Redux have a few methods of doing this for existing notes or while recording new notes. There’s also an additional feature you can use when recording new samples.
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Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
I created a tool to export Renoise song data into Unreal Engine 4 and also documented a couple of other ways of connecting them along the way. This video collects together several videos created during this process that mostly went unseen.
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Friday, February 24th, 2023
The Ghost Notes video came out a couple of years ago, but some ideas were left out for the sake of brevity and clarity, since it was already a potentially confusing subject. This video takes a close look at those points
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Friday, February 17th, 2023
A quick look at the Renoise tool I created to automate the building of a song from recorded narration. This is especially time saving when dealing with necessary edits after the initial renders.
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Friday, February 3rd, 2023
Bringing forward an old riff into new music creates an issue, which reminds me about problems with certain ways of generating sounds. This is demonstrated in various versions of Renoise, going back to v1.9.
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Thursday, January 26th, 2023
This video is an accompaniment to the Compression video released on the official Renoise channel. In it I ramble on without a script while trying to keep things technically accurate with regards to the Renoise compressors.
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Tuesday, January 24th, 2023
Many features of Renoise & Redux are only made possible by taking advantage of the fact that you’re using a computer to create music. However, just like the oldest tracker programs, Renoise & Redux still use the traditional 12-note western scale used for acoustic instruments. As you’d expect though, there are options to control how this works.
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Saturday, December 31st, 2022
If you’ve worked with audio then you probably know about compressing the volume of waveforms. However, the results of compression are not as musically obvious as other effects like reverb or distortion, so unless you know what’s actually happening to the sound it can be a little confusing and lead to some incorrect assumptions about the use and misuse of compressors. So let’s take a look at how this works in Renoise and Redux.
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Friday, December 23rd, 2022
I was commissioned to create an introduction video for Fileside, a modern multi-pane file management app for Mac and Windows that gives you complete layout control. Fileside shows the file system in its entirety, addressing the constant need to open multiple windows, navigate to the locations you need in each one, then painstakingly resize and arrange them side-by-side to start moving files around.
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Thursday, September 29th, 2022
There are lots of ways of introducing randomness across the various features of Renoise and Redux. But what if you generated changes at random initially and you like what you heard, so you want those changes to be the same each time the song is played?
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